Tuesday, 15 January 2013

The First Post.

Hello! This is the first post in what I hope will be a record of all the things happening on my allotment, Plot A2.

I am a novice gardener. So I am afraid there will be no advice offered here, but hopefully a few observations and notes on the successes and (what I am sure will be many) failures. The inspiration behind starting 'Tales From Plot A2' is this post on the fantastic blog Real Men Sow. There are so many great gardening blogs out there with lots of great advice for us beginners. But I think what they do best is offer up lots of motivation and enthusiasm to get outside and get gardening.

I acquired Plot A2 as a joint venture with my parents last year. I didn't really have a lot to do with the digging over or growing in 2012 - apart from some cut and come again salad which did brilliantly - This year it is under my care (my parents do have the adjacent allotment - A1). It is not quite a full sized plot, rent wise it is a half, but it should be more than adequate to get me started in veg growing. I will hopefully write a follow up post later in the week with a bit more detail on Plot A2 which will include a sum up of 2012 and plans for 2013 + some photos.

A word of warning... I am not a writer and have never written a blog before. Hopefully you won't find the writing style here too awkward and you may even stick around.


  1. Hey Adam,

    Thanks for the kind words. :)

    All the best on the plot. I started mine with my mum and working it with her made it extra special.

    Look forward to reading more.


  2. Hello. Keep up the blogging. sometimes it's harder than the allotment.

  3. Hi chaps. Thanks for the comments. The hardest thing at the moment is the lack of action on the allotment due to constant rain on my days off. Not even a hint of snow. Just rain.


Please do comment. Advice, criticism, encouragement, abuse - it is all appreciated!