Friday 8 March 2013

The Coming Week...

Recently things have been fairly slow up at Plot A2. A combination of work, bad weather and visiting friends/ family have kept me away. There are still harvests to be had; leeks, kale, cabbage, parsnips and turnip. However the kale is beginning to go to seed and the leeks will be gone soon. It really is time to put my efforts in getting everything prepared for the new growing season!

I am already further behind than I had wanted to be at this point. The good news is I have annual leave that needs to be taken, so next week has been booked off to put in some hard work up the plot. So hopefully by the end of next week there will be a post informing you of the phenomenal productiveness that is absolutely inevitable(!)*

The following tasks shall be accomplished:

  • Fence erected around the plot
  • Patio area created in front of shed
  • All new narrow beds created and dug over
  • All weeds will meet their end, even those on pathways 
  • A general tidy up so the plot looks better than the neighbouring plot
Hopefully there will also be time to begin sowing. I'll be borrowing space on my parents south facing window sill (if there is any space left). Failing that I may have to chance it in their unheated greenhouse or maybe wait a little longer.

* May depend on the weather and alcohol consumption/ laziness of the author.

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